Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Dear Maternity Support Belt


And while I'm at it: 

Dear Car Defroster,

You really chose a bad time to stop working.  I hear that clicking sound behind the dashboard and OF COURSE there's nothing I can do about it now, I am certainly not taking you to the mechanic tomorrow when I am getting my hair color refreshed, because, hello, PRIORITIES.

Dear Ice Scraper,

I know you were likely manufactured in a factory in China by shivering starving workers, but you chose a shitty morning to split in half.  I think I threw out my already thrown out back by trying to scrape my windshield this morning using a little scrap of cardboard I found in my trunk. 

Dear Planet,

Stop fucking with me.  A BOMB CYCLONE?  This is what the latest weather system will be called to hit my region.  Are you fucking kidding me????

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