Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Someone talk me off the edge

Ok, friends, I am on a goddamn cliff right now.

My first betas are in.  Exactly 5 weeks after my LMP.  21067.  Yes, you read that right, there are 5 numbers in there.

The optimistic chicks on boards who see such a number might say, wow, looks like the betas you see for multiples!  Yay!

Unfortunately I have seen super-high betas before folks.  During my first miscarriage, the partial molar pregnancy. 

Any statisticians out there who can calculate the odds of experiencing a partial molar pregnancy (1:1500), Asherman's syndrome, three consecutive miscarriages (this will happen to less than 1% of pregnant women y'all), AND then a second molar?  It is said that the odds for a repeat mole are about 1-2 in 100.

Let the true panic begin.

Fuck me.

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