March: Age 34. Recently married. Say to Husband, "Let's have a baby." He does his part.
April: BAM. Pregnant.
January: Age 34. Welcome to the world Niblet!
March: I turn 38 YO. Say to Husband, "Hey, I have a new job closer to home. Let's give Niblet a sibling."
April: BAM. Pregnancy #2.
May- June: This Pregnancy is not going well.
July: MMC, 12 weeks; First D&C; pathology report: Partial Molar Pregnancy; Begin 6 months of monitoring to ensure I don't develop Gestational Trophoblastic Disease. Aka cancer.
August: First menstrual cramps appear, I start ovulating. Yet my period is nowhere to be seen.
September: I google something called "Asherman's Syndrome"
October: Multiple doctors refuse to believe I have Asherman's Syndrome. It is "too rare."
November: Fail HSG test, catheter is blocked from a wall of scar tissue on my cervix. Diagnosis: Asherman's Syndrome
December: Hysteroscopy #1 with Dr. I in Boston. He is the greatest RE in the world. My cervix is opened and my period returns, after four cycles of torture.
January: Resume ttc.
March: Turn 39.
April: Return to Dr. I for another hysteroscopy; Husband and I resume ttc the night I come home from surgery.
Mid-April: BAM. Pregnancy # 3.
June: MMC # 2, 8 weeks; Second D&C; Pathology report shows T14, and suggests possibility that husband carries a balanced translocation, a rare inherited chromosomal abnormality that leads to miscarriages.
July: Husband is karyotyped. We wait.
August: Husband is normal. We are instructed by our RE to "keep trying."
December: Return to RE for help conceiving. My FSH is now 8.4. My AMH is .56
January: Clomid cycle => BFN
February: Clomid + unmonitored IUI => BFN
March: Turn 40. Clomid + monitored IUI => BFP. Pregnancy # 4.
April: Natural miscarriage at 6 weeks.
June: Seek new RE for IVF +PGD; Learn I am Vitamin D deficient.
Mid-June: Rejected from fertility clinic because my FSH has skyrocketed to18.5; I am also homozygous for MTHFR c677t; I am told to hang it up: I will not successfully carry a baby to term with my own eggs.
July: Ramp up on vitamins and supplements, change my diet, and take break from ttc; Prep my body for a September appointment with new RE.
August: BFP at 8 DPO. Pregnancy # 5.
October: Heartbreak. We lose our fourth consecutive pregnancy -a baby girl who tested as chromsomally normal - at nearly 14 weeks, to a random (1:10,000 odds) horrifying birth defect.
January: Begin a course of "not trying, not preventing" (NTNP). Likely experience a chemical pregnancy.
February: BFP at around 9 DPO. Pregnancy #7 (if I count last month). Measuring behind at first ultrasound... Here we go again.
March: Turn 41. Waiting to miscarry....still waiting.... a week of chinese herbs....two rounds of cytotec.
April: D&C at 11 weeks not-pregnant to deal with the aftermath of cytotec completely not working; drink copious amounts of raspberry leaf tea and try using castor oil packs to assist with healing.
May: AF returns. Back on the horse.
December: Still not pregnant after 7 cycles. Contemplate going rogue on some leftover Clomid packs....
January - February: Use up those last clomid packs because why the fuck not.
March: It's been ten consecutive cycles of not getting pregnant. With the help of greatest therapist ever, make a decision to get off the horse and face my new reality: I am now infertile.
Mid-August: Psychic Medium tells me that our family is missing a baby. However the biological door to children is closed.
End of August: Begin research on Donor Egg IVF
October - Chemical Pregnancy. Then make November appointment for consultation with new RE on Donor Egg IVF.
November: Another Chemical Pregnancy. Fuck my life.
January: It begins. Day 3 labs, exams, saline-sonogram.
February: Donor Chosen, legal contracts and consents signed.
Late February: Donor's Retrieval, creation of embryos with Viking sperm, start birth control. And I wait to see how many survive to biopsy.
March: We start with a lot of 8 eggs. 5 fertilize, and of those, 4 are PGS normal.
April: Begin cycle for FET. After few weeks of birth control, we add some Lupron. Then I go insane. Then we happily add some estrogen.
May: BFP, 4dp 5DT. Pregnancy number 9 (10 if I count the nibble)....
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