Friday, January 5, 2018

and like *THAT* I'm fine

So I cancelled my chiropractor appointment because my back is miraculously healed.  Fuck if I know how or why.  I am thinking that maybe I did too much lifting last week?  Anyways, my hair color is refreshed, I am back to walking at my usual NYC speed, and things are good besides it being cold enough to freeze your face off outside. 

On other fronts, there's this semi-hilarious thread on the BBC January Birth Board, asking "how old is too old" to be pregnant.  You can just imagine the fun of this exercise.  Lots of 26 year olds on their second or third kid, aghast at the idea of being over 40 with a child.  My favorite response was this:

I am 26 with my second.
I think it's morally wrong to have kids when you reach 35. You need to think about your health and lifestyle instead of changing diapers. I always find it so sad when I see older women pregnant.
It's sick. 

My response:

Things that make me so sad:
 - Abused animals
- Homeless people without shelter in destructive storms
- Children who are abandoned and unloved.
Things that don't make me sad:
- Babies loved and nurtured by parents who happen to be over 35.
Now look,  Niblet will be having a long and hard conversation in her future about embarking on childbirth far sooner than me (if she is so inclined).  Because if I am a carrier for whatever genetic clusterfuck put me here, then she could be one too. 

But this notion that you're decrepit after 35 is sort of hilarious to me, especially since I live in an urban area where there are so many moms, even FTMs over 40.  Our economy is pretty much built on academics and PhDs, it's what you see in these parts.  Do I sometimes pause at the notion of having a kid in college when I'm 60?  Sure.  Am I particularly afraid of the age 60?  Ehhh, surprisingly no. 

"Grandma F doesn't seem 71 at all," Niblet was saying this morning.  "I thought she was in her fifties!  Same with Miss Holly (one of her dance teachers who is 70)."   I've always known that while in some critical ways I drew the genetic short straw, but in others I won the genetic jackpot.  Maybe because I've had too many people ask me if I plan on having another after this one is born.

I just feel so lucky to be in such exceptionally good health.


  1. I hope that poster and others will see your comment and realize how ridiculous they sound. I turn 40 this year and we're trying for our second. My husband wants to stop b/c I'll be 40, there are added risks to me and the baby (which I know is a risk) but I know tons of women who have had perfectly healthy babies, and have been for centuries.

    On a separate note, I remember one blog where you mentioned seeing a psychic. Is she local? I may need her number if she is.

    1. I've been legitimately shocked at how low-risk I have actually been these weeks, even towards the end. No Gestational Diabetes. No High Blood Pressure. I've only gained 30 lbs. Still wearing a fitbit and aiming to walk over 10K steps a day. My cervix is still sealed shut (unfortunately).

      I called into a psychic who wasn't local, she was based in WV - I was pretty skeptical of the whole process, and I was even more skeptical of a reading from states away.

  2. Is it possible for me to get her contact info? I don't know if there's a way to send you my email w/o it being posted for all to see.

    1. Contact me at, and we will go from there!

    2. Thanks, I sent you an email last night so let me know if it didn't come through.
