Thursday, August 27, 2015

Moving on from the chair

So, I was in a rough state last week. 

PBFAW was going to take a giant rocker-glider chair out of my cramped little office. it's a chair I got when Niblet was a tiny Nibble, a jaguar of rockers, a sturdy Dutalier that even my giant husband could sit in that I found on Craigslist for $300 bucks (trust me a few years ago this was a steal).  Well, I was excited to find it a new home until I learned PBFAW wouldn't take it because her husband didn't want it.  The inability to remove this chair and what it represents in my life, along with a series of negative pregnancy tests with phantom pregnancy symptoms set me on the brink of a nervous breakdown.  Was it the uphosltery?  Fine, so this upholstery might scream grandma gingham to you.  But you know what this upholstery screams to me?  FREE CHAIR!

I was a mess.  Jittery.  Constantly on the verge of tears.  Depressed. Bleak.  Stressed about returning to work after a two week vacation.  But slowly and steadily, I moved on.  With a lot of help.

First, I met a dear friend for lunch who has been through the gates of hell and back and emerged from the ashes 21 weeks pregnant.  (She also didn't want the chair).

Then, I visited my acupuncturist.  With some needles and a little aromatherapy, I went from saying a tearful goodbye to my fertility, to believing that anything is possible.  An hour later my period came in with a bang, in a good way for an Asherman's patient.  

So today I am CD 2.  Feeling good.  Anything is possible. 

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